I've been fighting hard for these last days. I don't know if my reputation as a turncoat has reached these parts yet, but nowdays I fight for Caldari. What can I do? I  felt like something is wrong with my home and then you only have one solution: move! I moved to Caldari and now I fight for them, big deal.

My fighting have been seen by Caldari State also: I was promoted yester day. "Second Lieutenant of Caldari State". I like the sound of that.
"2008.10.14 20:08
In response to your continuing victories against enemies of the State you have been promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant." That is the mail from Caldari State which I received yesterday. Finally I'm doing something with purpose and not just wandering around, scratching isk from these shitty jobs.

But now, I must go back to my post.
Beast T